Restore Business Consulting
We use a variety of evaluative tools and activities to identify strengths, challenges, and opportunities within your organization. We then invest our time and expertise to interpret the collected data to formulate a strategic plan for improvement.
At Restore, we pride ourselves on our thorough and interactive approach to empowering and educating your team. By nurturing understanding, we enhance awareness, add insight, and make strives towards improving your corporate culture.
We use a variety of evaluative tools and activities to identify strengths, challenges, and opportunities within your organization. We then invest our time and expertise to interpret the collected data to formulate a strategic plan for improvement.
Our team of licensed relational/system therapists, masters-prepared management, and organizational development consultants work with your organization to rejuvenate the workplace and build cohesion and collaboration among all members of your company. By inviting our team into your workplace, you take the first step in strengthening your organization's core asset: your people and their interactions.
What we offer:
Team Building
Conflict Management
Stress Management
Motivation Enhancement
Delegation and Empowerment
Quality Improvement
Turnover Reduction
Productivity Enhancement
The Evaluation and Optimization of Performance Reviews & Employee Compensation
Building a Strong, Positive Corporate Culture
Creation of or redesign of job descriptions
Restructuring of Organizational Chart/reporting relationships
Hiring assistance with personality assessments and interviewing assistance
Improved retention of employees through a variety of strategies including team integration and collaborative job restructuring